
Exporting Paintings to iTunes

How to Export Paintings from ArtRage for iOS to iTunes Note: This guide referes to ArtRage 2.3 and later on iOS11. Earlier versions of ArtRage for iOS may look different. Part One: Export Your Painting You can export your paintings both individually and in groups from ArtRage for iOS as PNG, JPEG, Script and PTG […]

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ArtRage for iOS Stylus Support

ArtRage for iOS 2.2 includes upgraded, fully integrated stylus support for all major current iPad Bluetooth styluses with pressure sensitivity. To connect your stylus, just open the main menu and tap the stylus button to choose your model. To change any settings, or to disconnect your stylus (or if you choose a stylus by accident!), go into Preferences and scroll down the bottom to Stylus Preferences. […]

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ArtRage for iOS Tracing & References

You can import photos and other pictures as tracing or reference images, to help you draw more easily. Tracing Images are images overlaid on the ArtRage canvas to act as a guide while you are painting. The image is partially transparent on top of your paint so you can still see what you are painting beneath. Reference Images are images that are pinned to your canvas while painting. Like Tracing Images they act as a guide while you work. […]

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ArtRage for iOS Tools

ArtRage for iPad Painting & Drawing Tools. Tools are selected on the left hand side of your iPad using the Tool Picker. In the bottom left corner is a Tool Pod that shows you the currently selected tool. Tap this pod and the Tool Picker appears. Tap on a tool in the picker to select it. Learn how to make the most of your tools available and discover shortcuts. […]

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ArtRage for iOS Layers

What Are Layers? ArtRage Paintings are made of a stack of transparent ‘layers’, each of which can have its own painted content. Each layer can be edited without changing the content of other layers, so you can edit parts of your painting without fear of damaging others. Layers are like transparent sheets of plastic, where there is no paint on a layer you can see the layers beneath, they can be moved around independently, and their order changed to adjust the position of their contents. […]

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ArtRage for iOS Help

ArtRage for iOS Manual. The ArtRage for iOS app is a fully featured natural media painting app for iPads and iPhones. It includes a quick start guide, which will help introduce you to the various tools and menus, as well as these online help pages. The online manual covers more advanced topics, and will help you figure out how to get the most out of the ArtRage app. Learn more about ArtRage for iOS … […]

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