My registration key / serial number is not accepted when I enter it
Please note, ArtRage Vitae no longer requires registration keys or serial numbers – the information below applies to ArtRage 6 and earlier.
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If you receive an error indicating that your ArtRage product key is not valid, please check the following…
Note: The serial number can also be known by some as the registration key, license code or product key, it means the same thing.
Unlocking ArtRage
Before you can use ArtRage for the first time you will need to unlock it using your Serial Number. Your Serial Number is a 25 digit number that you should have received when you purchased the product.
If you purchased ArtRage from us online your Serial Number will be in the email that contains your product download link. If you received ArtRage on CD you will need to check the CD cover or the contents of the box it came in.
When you start ArtRage for the first time you will be presented with the Unlock Panel. If you follow the instructions on this panel, enter your Serial Number then click OK the product should be unlocked. If you enter your Serial Number and it does not work please check the number you are entering carefully to make sure there are no mistakes. If you received the number in an email you can copy it from the email and paste it in to the panel using the button provided. If that still does not work please use the ArtRage Support Page to request support.
ArtRage Studio / Studio Pro
ArtRage Studio and Studio Pro serial numbers are 25 characters long, split in to groups of 5. If your serial number is not accepted when you enter it, please make sure you have copied it correctly. You can paste it in to the Unlock panel using the button provided.
ArtRage 2
Artrage keys are 20 digits long, so if you are entering a different number of digits, check that it is being read correctly. If you are copying and pasting the registration key, make sure that you are not copying any additional spaces or additional information, just the key itself.
Common Typo Mistakes
You might have mistyped your product key. Try retyping it carefully, making sure each character is correct.
What you see: | It could be: |
Letter “”O”” | Number Zero “”0″” |
Letter “”I”” | Number One “”1″” |
Letter “”S”” | Number Five “”5″” |
Letter “”B”” | Number Eight “”8″” |
Letter “”W”” | Two Letters “”V”” “”V”” |