ArtRage for Android Now Available For All Android Users

Hey everyone! We know you’ve all been waiting eagerly to buy the new ArtRage for Android app, and it is finally available on the Google Play Store for US$4.99!

Check out more of his amazing ArtRage works here.
See ArtRage for Android in the Google Play Store
Or open the Play Store app on your Android device and search for ‘ArtRage’ (note: because it’s a new release, it may not be the first result).
Samsung Users:
It has been available through GALAXY Apps since October 2014. If you do not see it when browsing the store, you may need to update the ‘Samsung Apps’ app to ‘GALAXY Apps’ on your phone or tablet.
Remember, GALAXY Note 4 and Note Edge users can download ArtRage for Android for free via the GALAXY Gifts program.
ArtRage for Android contains the full range of realistic painting tools (and a few slightly less realistic ones) that are found in ArtRage Studio, Studio Pro and 4. Whether you prefer Pencil sketching or spreading Paint Tube paint around with a Palette Knife, splattering the Gloop pen around or building up innovative textures with the Glitter, you’ll find all your favourite tools ready and waiting.
All the painting tools come with the complete range of settings, allowing you to modify loading, smoothness, tilt, thinners, and any other specific feature that you require from individual tools.

The app also includes a range of canvas texture presets, the much loved Reference and Tracing image options, a Stylus Only mode for those that don’t enjoy accidental finger painting, the traditional ArtRage interface that dodges your oncoming brush strokes, and a full list of Layer Blend Modes.
ArtRage for Android is limited to devices with a resolution of 320 density pixels, due to the size requirements of the interface.
It requires Android OS Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 and up to run.
ArtRage for Android is designed for the GALAXY Note 4, but should work on a wide range of Android phones and tablets. However, there are far too many different devices out there for us to be able to guarantee that it will work perfectly for everyone. If you encounter any issues, we would appreciate hearing your feedback via our support form.
Be aware that ArtRage can use a lot of memory at larger canvas sizes, which may be a problem on less powerful devices. We hope that you don’t have any problems, but if you are experiencing any performance issues. make sure that you don’t have a lot of other apps open, or save and restart ArtRage to clear out the undo history (though if you’re noticing significant lag, and these steps don’t help, then that’s something we want to hear about).
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the version on the Google Play Store more recent?
The version on Google Play is different because we had to make a few changes for it to work with the Google Play registration process. Because these were made after the original app was released, it has a later version number. The program itself is functionally identical, and updates will be rolled out across both stores as we release them.
Can I switch between GALAXY Apps and Google Play Store?
No. They are completely separate app stores belonging to different companies.