Value | Positive Values | Negative Values | Notes |
Base Value | Sets default sticker spray size as % of default sticker size | Inverts size (-95% = 5%) | Used to calculate all other settings if set (otherwise default sticker size will be used) |
Random | Size will vary randomly by set % | Varies from small to large instead of large to small | Affects all other size settings |
Sequence | Size will increase in repeating sequence. Each sticker will be X% bigger, until full size is reached, then the sequence will start over. | Size will decrease by set % in repeating sequences based on Base or Default value. | |
Tracing H | Stroke size decreases along colour wheel from purple to yellow | Stroke size increases along colour wheel from yellow to purple | Stroke size will increase or decrease based on tracing image colour properties |
Tracing L | Darker areas have smaller strokes | Darker areas have larger strokes | |
Tracing S | More saturated (strongly coloured) areas will have larger strokes | Stroke size increases with ‘greyness’ (decreasing saturation) | |
Tracing Alpha | Size decreases with decreased opacity | Size decreases with increased opacity | Will use alpha channel if present. |
Pen Pressure | Size will vary with pressure based on % (sensitivity level) based on Base or default value | Size will get larger with less pressure | Required for pressure sensitive drawing |
Pen Rotation | Size varies with pen tilt | Size increases with opposite tilt | Tilt – only with supported styluses. |
Stroke Direction | Stickers get smaller going up or left | Stickers get smaller going down or right | % will set the highest maximum size. |
X Distance | Stickers get smaller to left of canvas | Stickers get smaller to right of canvas | Effects can stack but setting all three to 100% will cancel out |
Y Distance | Stickers get smaller towards top of canvas | Stickers get smaller towards bottom of canvas | |
Centre Distance | Stickers get smaller towards centre of canvas | Stickers get larger towards centre of canvas | |
Airbrush Wheel | Lets you control size using the Airbrush wheel. | Inverted size control using the Airbrush Wheel | Only with supported styluses |
Pen Twist | Lets you control size using Pen Twist. | Inverted size control using Pen Twist. |
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