ArtRage Featured Artists
Interviews With Artists That Use ArtRage
Check out our collection of featured artists to see the astonishing art that they are creating with our ArtRage program. Game designers, hobbyist painters, concept artists, art teachers and professional illustrators, they’re all amazing and what they can do with our painting software is extremely impressive.
In these features we discuss their painting styles, drawing tips and how they use the ArtRage tools. The art alone is well worth a visit, but you might just pick up a few digital painting tips along the way, as well!
Official Artwork
If you’re trying to find the artist behind a particular picture on our website, such as the website banner or the startup image inside the program, visit the Artist Credits!
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[fp_carousel width=”940″ height=”200″ items=”5″ num=”-1″ speed=”600″ tag=”artist-feature” orderby=”rand” post_type=”post”]Browse Artist Features by Topic
Platform: Mobile | Desktop
Artist Country: Africa | Brazil | Canada | China | Finland | France | Germany | India | Iran | Italy | Latvia | Mexico | New Zealand | Norway | Spain | Sweden | Turkey | UK | USA
Languages: German | Norwegian | Portugese | Russian | Spanish | Swedish | Turkish
Subject Matter: Animals/Nature | Fan Art | Fantasy Art | Game Concept Art | Graphic Design | Landscape Art | Portraits | Scientific Illustration | Still Life
Style: Abstract | Cartoons, Manga & Caricature | Cubism | Expressionism | Imaginative Realism | Impressionism | Surreal | Realism | Photorealism
Media: Animation | Pastel | Oils | Watercolor | Photomanipulation | Mixed Media
Types of Artist/Feature Type: Artists with physical challenges | Industry Professionals | Book Releases | Educators
To find out a bit about how we select artists and what you need to be considered, see What Are the ArtRage Featured Artists?
Browse Artist Features by Date
- Artist Feature: Steve Elliott (Landscape Art)
- Artist Feature: Batuhan Bayrak (Turkish)
- Artist Feature: Shelley Hanna (iPad Art)
- Artist Feature: Živko Kondić (Zhillustrator)
- Creating A Mixed Media Commission with Jim Pavelec
- Artist Feature: Teoman Mete Cakici (realistic art portraits)
- Artist Feature: Nihar Das (traditional paintings)
- ArtRage Watercolors Tutorial by Randel Washburne
- APPtitude Landscape Art on the iPad with Alison Jardine
- Artist Feature: Brian G Coffey (abstract art)
- Artist Feature: Hassan Chenary
- Artist Feature: Dion Pollard (DionJa’Y)
- Artist Feature: Phil Galloway (portrait artist)
- Artist Feature: Scott Waters (oil portraits/landscapes)
- Artist Feature: Stéphane Perriard
- Artist Feature: Henry Stahle (English/Swedish)
- Artist Feature: Henry Salas
- ArtRage 5 Art Contest Winners
- Artist Feature: Paul Hinch-Worman (photorealistic portraits)
- Artist Feature: Sergei Shikin (English/Russian)
- Artist Feature: Donna Coburn
- What are the ArtRage Featured Artists?
- Artist Feature: Alex Bearne
- Artist Feature: Stephen Rasche-Hilpert (English/German)
- Artist Feature: Ramona MacDonald (portrait artist)
- Artist Feature: Michael Clulee
- Artist Feature: Mark Paulik (game illustrator)
- Artist Feature: Phil Galloway Podcast at Pencil Kings
- Artist Feature: Jonas A. Larsen (English/Norwegian)
- Artist Feature: Ignacio de la Calle (English/Spanish)
- Artist Feature: Bruce Rolff
- Artist Feature: Lauren May
- Artist Feature: Fernando Madeira (English/Portugese)
- Artist Feature: Daniel Larsson (portrait artist)
- Artist Feature: Luis Mujsant (English/Spanish)
- Artist Feature: Kepa Lucas (English/Spanish)
- Artist Feature: Paul Kercal (digital art educator)
- Artist Feature: Paige Fowler (Sour Candy Arts)
- Artist Feature: AndreaMG (digital oil paintings)
- Artist Feature: Edward Ofosu
- Artist Feature: Helene Goldberg
- Artist Feature: Steve Goad (epic fan art / landscapes)
- In Memory of Albert Root
- Artist Feature: Gary Nay (iPad artist)
- Artist Feature: Howard Barry (HBCreative)
- ArtRage at Chromacon 2015
- Contest Winner Artist Feature: Odrija Adetu
- Contest Winner Artist Feature: Todd Jaeger
- Contest Winner Artist Feature: Ian Hinley
- Artist Feature: Gary Hopkins (abstract art)
- Artist Feature: Video Animation with Teddy Gage